The new digital phoropter for a faster, socially distanced, refraction without compromising accuracy.
Offer your patients the best of their vision with Vision-R 700, with refraction technology that delivers efficiency without compromise. This new equipment obtains speedy refraction in only three minutes to help reduce the length of an eye examination, whilst achieving accurate and repeatable results.
Automated phoropter to enhance the patient experience
A good refraction can take time, but more time means less efficiency. Until now, the only way to shorten
the traditional procedure of bracketing sphere, cylinder, and axis independently was by cutting crucial steps. This leads to bigger variances and an estimation of the prescription.
Therefore, we have developed a unique lens module that allows for a much smoother refraction process.
This innovative technology incorporates a fast, multiple increment algorithm to give you an exact 0.25D refraction in a short time. Furthermore, enhanced data communication with patient management systems makes for a seamless workflow across your practice.
How does Vision-R 700 phoropter redefine refraction?
- Smart Programs and algorithms: A series of patient-specific smart programs incorporating Digital Infinite Refraction shorten the procedure and assist in calculating the best endpoint for the patient.
- Simultaneous compensation: This innovation allows for a fast and direct refraction method: Digital Infinite Refraction. Continuous compensation on sphere, cylinder, and axis ensures accuracy, as answers are based on compensated powers, eliminating the need for estimated lens compensation.
- Continuous Lens Power: Smooth and instant transition between multiple dioptric powers, eliminating unwanted stimulus and controlling accommodation.
- Vertex Distance measurement: Vertex distance is measured to the millimeter and controllable from a distance. Combined with the automatic compensation to the reference vertex distance, accuracy is controlled right to the end.
What makes it easy to use with excellent results?
- Program recommendation function: Smart Program recommendation for each patient. Depending on the imported patient data, the ideal program is recommended by the phoropter.
- Smart Tests and Algorithms: Vision-R 700 phoropter comes with automated Smart Tests that assist the ECP when performing the refraction, making the phoropter truly user-friendly. Algorithms change the tests and calculate the dioptric power in reaction to the patient's answers.
- Secure procedure: The secure and guided procedure from start to finish ensures an accurate result, even in the hands of less experienced operators.
- Help function: If needed, you can easily access a ‘help function’ with details regarding the current test to help guide the ECP through the process.