2O C T | F U N D U S C A M E R A
Optopol Technology introduced the world’s first high resolution spectral OCT model, the Copernicus HR, in 2008. Today, continuing all efforts and taking functionality to the next level, Optopol Technology presents a new model in the REVO series – the REVO HR .
With a unique combination of super-fast scanning at 130,000 scans per second and ultra-high 3 μm resolution, this powerful device takes precision, accuracy, and detection of even the finest lesions to a whole new level.
The REVO HR is an all-in-one device that can be used in various ways, such as a full-colour fundus camera or as a combo. It provides simultaneous OCT and fundus images for high-quality OCT imaging, including OCT-A, biometry, and Corneal Topography.
Ultra Wide Field Imaging is possible in the Posterior and Anterior segment, All with a press of the START button!